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Cut the time to get insurance quotes in half by syncing all of your Motive drivers and vehicles with the LuckyTruck platform.

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Support Contact

(906) 203-9222


Save time getting insurance quotes by eliminating the need to manually enter info for your vehicles and drivers. By syncing your Motive drivers and vehicles with the LuckyTruck platform we are able to automatically pull in the data we need to find you the best coverage for your business, reducing the time you spend entering data and minimizing the chance of errors.
This allows you to hit the road ASAP with the coverages you need and keep your business trucking along. Join the revolution and experience effortless insurance access, streamlined operations, and unmatched support. Trucking companies syncing with the LuckyTruck platform also qualify for telematics-based discounts. Don't settle for the old ways – embrace the future of trucking insurance today with LuckyTruck and Motive!

Additional Details

  • Click the "Install" button to initiate on LuckyTruck tile
  • Once you click "Install you will be redirected to luckytruck.com. Sign in with existing credentials or create a new account.
  • Follow the instructions provided to authenticate and authorize the connection between your Motive and LuckyTruck accounts. Once setup is complete data will begin to flow.


Support Contact

(906) 203-9222