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Lookback App by Clearconnect Solutions

Compliance, Telematics, Safety & Risk Mitigation Solutions that save companies money.

Get This App


ClearConnect Solutions specializes in data-driven technology solutions, from driver compliance and screenings to managing and monitoring risk for fleet insurers and policyholders. After a few clicks, we will be able to import your historical data, build a customize dashboard and provide analytics and data-driven solutions.

Our goal is to help insureds build a safer driver workforce and improve insurance policies. There’s a story to your data. We’ll help you see it.

Shared data




Vehicle Locations

Vehicle Locations

Fault Codes

Fault Codes

Driver Performance Events

Driver Performance Events

Lookback App by Clearconnect
Lookback App by Clearconnect



Vehicle Locations

Vehicle Locations

Fault Codes

Fault Codes

Driver Performance Events

Driver Performance Events

Additional Details

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